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Eragiyok - Astigarraga

a male choir founded in 2018

Our creation is based on the desire to preserve, strengthen and disseminate the musical and choral tradition, emphasizing our commitment to folklore and sacred music of the main Basque composers, but also working on sacred works and international folklore, and lyrical repertoire of opera and zarzuela.

About us

Eragiyok Victoria Eugenia

It has two First Prizes to its credit: the 72nd Errenteria Provincial Christmas Carol Competition (2018) and the 56th Barcelona International Choir Song Festival (2021).

Since its birth it has offered more than sixty concerts in which it has performed more than one hundred works . It has performed on stages and festivals in the Basque Country and abroad : Antxon Sierra Oroituz (Donostia, 2020), Festival Internacional de Ochotes (Portugalete, 2021), Musikaste (Errenteria, 2021), Musika Hilabetea (Mutriku, 2022), Ahots-Musika Topaketak (Basauri, 2022), Homage to Pablo Sorozabal Cycle (San Sebastián, 2022), Cant'A Choeur Festival (Dax, France, 2022) Rencontres Internationales de Voix d'Hommes (Châtel-Guyon, France, 2022), 39. º Sacred Music Series (Hondarribia, 2023), Encounter of Grave Voices (Segovia, 2023) and Cantigos in Carrela (Sardinia, Italy, 2024).

It has performed four operas with the Luis Mariano Lyric Association of Irun: Nabucco (2019), Rigoletto (2022), La fille du régiment (2022) and Il Trovatore (2024).

In 2024 it participated in the prestigious International Habaneras and Polyphony Choral Competition of Torrevieja.

Likewise, since 2023 it has organized the AHOBER Choral Cycle , in which he has invited and performed together with JATORKI Ahots Zuriak from Bilbao and Voces Graves from Madrid, among others.

We are...

Ander Simal


Ander Simal Alberdi (Eibar, 1979). He studied piano at the Juan Crisóstomo Arriaga Conservatory in Bilbao, obtaining an Honourable Mention at the end of his degree.

He has given lyrical concerts as an accompanying pianist in different auditoriums throughout Spain. Likewise, he collaborates as a pianist in various choral groups. In 2009 he began working as a teacher at the Conservatories of San Sebastian, Vitoria and Bilbao.


He began studying choral conducting in 2001 with teachers such as J.Dujick, J. Domínguez, JL Martínez, V. Miskinis and J.Casas and has conducted several choirs in Gipuzkoa, such as the Goruntz choir of white voices in Eibar between 2002-2007 and Aitzuri Abesbatza in Deba between 2016-2020.


He has been a member of choral groups such as Coro Easo, Kup Taldea, Capilla Santa María and Suhar.


Currently, he is a repertoire pianist at the Francisco Escudero Professional Conservatory of Music in Donostia and conductor of ERAGIYOK since the end of 2022.

Ander Simal

1st Tenors

Joseba Azkue

Pablo Benavente

Joxean Estébanez

Asier Olaizola

Javier Oyarzun

Mikel Zapiain

2nd Tenors

Ander Azkue

Markel Azkue

Borja Esnal

Xabier Ezkerro

Ander Sanz


Julen Arzelus

Antonio Calleja

Iñaki Calleja

Ruben Ramada

Julen Salegui

Ramon Santxez


Michelangelo Erauskin

Ritxar Jordan

Andoni Lardizabal

Andoni Rodríguez

Pierre Trocq

Miren Gabirondo - Pianist ERAGIYOK

Miren Gabirondo

Accompanying pianist  

Miren Gabirondo Olazabal was born in San Sebastián and studied at the conservatories of San Sebastian and Bilbao, where she obtained advanced degrees in Piano, Accordion, Music Theory and Musical Pedagogy. She then continued her specialization, achieving a PhD from the University of Extremadura.


During her career she has obtained several awards as an accordionist, including the European First Prize at the Paris Accordion Grand Prix, the End of Career Prize and the achievement on two occasions of First Prize at the National Accordion Competition in Barcelona. She participated for three consecutive years in the World Accordion Trophy in Portugal, Italy and Andorra.


For twenty years she has worked as a senior teacher at the Bonifacio Gil Conservatory in Badajoz. In addition, there she has served as head of department, activities coordinator, person in charge of the Erasmus program and director of the center. 


She has given concerts as a soloist and accompanying other groups in the Basque Country, Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Netherlands, Portugal and Argentina.


Since 2022 she has been accompanying ERAGIYOK in rehearsals and concerts.




Eragiyok in concert


Eragiyok in Rigoletto


Eragiyok in Musicaste


Eragiyok in Astigarraga


  • 01/30/2019 – Gaztelubide Society - San Sebastián.

  • 05/17/2019 – Hermitage of San Esteban – Andoain.

  • 05/31/2019 – Church of Saint-André - Baiona - Abesbatzen Udaberria: ERAGIYOK & AIZKOA.

  • 06/06/2019 – Emak Bakea – Bidarte – Anne Etchegoyen & Hilda Lizarazu & ERAGIYOK.

  • 08/03/2019 - Getaria - Salbatore jaiak.

  • 09/28/2019 – Bastero kulturgunea - Andoain - Tribute to Manu Izagirre.

  • 10/12-13/2019 – CC Amaia - Irun - Nabucco.

  • 10/19/2019 – Parish of the Assumption of Our Lady - Astigarraga.

  • 12/14/2019 - Church of Saint Martin - Cambes (Gironde, France) - Christmas Concert.

  • 12/28/2019 – Sports Center - Errenteria - Provincial Christmas Carol Contest.

Eragiyok Bidart


  • 29/12/2018 – Polideportivo - Errenteria - Certamen Provincial de Villancicos - Premio.

Eragiyok Astigarraga


Adio Euskalerriari

J. A. Santesteban

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Agur zaharra

S. Salaberri

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Agur, Zuberoa

J. Oñatibia

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Agur, jaunak

J. Olaizola

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Agur, jaunak

I. Mocoroa

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L. Aramburu

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Aita Donostia

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Ara nun diran

J. M. Glez. Bastida

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Aurtxo aurtxoa

S. Salaberri

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Aurtxoa seaskan

G. Olaizola

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Begi urdin

P. Sorozabal

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Bi eusko abesti

J. I. Busca Sagastizabal

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Bigarren kalez kale

P. Sorozabal

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Boga boga

J. Guridi

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Chanton Piperri - Eszena eta azken ereserkia

B. Zapirain

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Chanton Piperri - Euskalerriko

B. Zapirain

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J. Olaizola

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P. Sorozabal

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Donostiko kaiean

J. M. Glez. Bastida

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Ene emaztea

T. Aragüés Bayarte

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V. Larrea

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B. Imaz

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Euskal musikaren gorespena

J. Uruñuela

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J. J. Gainza

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Euskalerria / Ay tierra vasca

P. Sorozabal

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R. Sarriegi

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Gabiltzan kalez kale

P. Sorozabal

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Gernika (Euskal kantata)

P. Sorozabal

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Gernikako arbola

E. Gorosarri

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Goiko mendiyan

N. Almandoz

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Goizeko izarra

J. J. Santesteban

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Gora Elkano!

G. Landazabal

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R. Sarriegi

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Izar ederrak

J. Elberdin

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Jeiki, jeiki, etchenkuak

Aita Donostia

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Joan nintzen Ainoara

T. Aragüés Bayarte

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Kanta berri

P. Sorozabal

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Kantari euskalduna

J. A. Santesteban

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L. Aramburu

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Maitasun atsekabea

J. Guridi

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Maite miña

J. M. Glez. Bastida

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Maite, eguzki eder

P. Sorozabal

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Maitia, nun zira?

J. Uruñuela

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Mendirik mendi

S. Salaberri

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Nere amak baleki

J. A. Santesteban

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Nere etxea (Ikusten duzu goizean)

Aita Donostia

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Nere maitiarentzat

J. J. Santesteban

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Nere maitiarentzat

J. A. Santesteban

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Oi, lore maitea

T. Aragüés

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M. Moreno

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San Juan zortzikoa

E. Mocoroa

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J. M. Gonzalez Bastida

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J. Elberdin

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Urzo luma

P. Sorozabal

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Uso xuria

Aita Donostia

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Xarmegarria zira

Aita Donostia

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Zugana, Manuela

T. Garbizu

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Eragiyok en Teatro Victoria Eugenia


Thanks to your help we will continue to promote and spread our music and our culture, maintaining the treasure that our ancestors left us.

Enjoy music with us!

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